
Hi, I am Jannie Raczinski – the girl behind the pseudonym Windmaedchen. I completed my bachelor’s and master’s degree in 2D Animation in Wales and have since worked as a digital artist for small and large, locally and globally active clients.

Do get in touch and together we will make your project a success!

Little Dew Drop

A small 2D platformer available on Itch.io and Steam.

Special Recognition: Stride Files

Stride files – The square Murder

A mystery point&click game developed as my BA final project. I aimed for a playable and complete game, including music and voice-over. While I was responsible for all work within the art department as well as the game design and story writing, I enlisted the help of two developers, a music composer, a sound technician and a musician, as well as several acting students for the voice-overs. Stride Files had an executable file for PC and was also published on Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store in 2012 where it had received positive feedback.

In the same year, it received a Bafta Cymru Commendation for its Artistic Achievement.

Hire me for one project at a time or an hourly contract.


I have some Gigs® on Fiverr®, come check them out!

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